Saturday, March 14, 2015

[insert blog here]

I would tell you that I am a terrific writer. That I don't tear my hair out trying to conjure up new words, sentences, and ideas. That my blog simply doesn't suffer from mundane posts I expect everyone to read.  But, I was and never will be a good liar. 
At the end of the day, I'm not thinking about blogging. 
That's why, at midnight, I come to you with this. 
I honestly don't have a clue of what to write. Fortunately, I may not be the only one struggling with that. This post isn't just for me - it should be for anyone robbed of a palpable paragraph or two to be proud of. 
So, the next time you're sitting in your bed late at night and you're stressing over what to write, take comfort in the knowledge that you are not alone. 
Perhaps this picture should illustrate what one should post about:

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